What Do Resolutions And Marriage Have In Common?
“I want to lose weight.” It’s similar to saying, “I want to get married.” Both are statements. But without planning and proper preparations, they remain as just that, statements. You may have plans to lose weight this year or a list of other resolutions, but saying is one thing. You have to have the commitment (like a marriage) and dedication (like a marriage) to get it done. So to help you get motivated in staying on track with your goals this year, we want to show you a different perspective when looking at achieving your goals. Treat your goals similar to how you treat a marriage. Sounds strange? Allow us to explain. Both Are Commitments Resolutions start the same way that a wedding starts – it’s a simple decision to make a committed change in your life. But we all know that changes don’t happen overnight. Resolutions must be a daily [...]