marriage and resolutions

What Do Resolutions And Marriage Have In Common?

“I want to lose weight.” It’s similar to saying, “I want to get married.” Both are statements. But without planning and proper preparations, they remain as just that, statements. You may have plans to lose weight this year or a list of other resolutions, but saying is one thing. You have to have the commitment (like a marriage) and dedication (like a marriage) to get it done. So to help you get motivated in staying on track with your goals this year, we want to show you a different perspective when looking at achieving your goals. Treat your goals similar to how you treat a marriage. Sounds strange? Allow us to explain. Both Are Commitments Resolutions start the same way that a wedding starts –  it’s a simple decision to make a committed change in your life. But we all know that changes don’t happen overnight. Resolutions must be a daily [...]

wedding planning

20 Planning Tips For A Successful 2020 Wedding

The new year is almost upon us. It may be just another year for some. However, if you are planning to have a wedding in 2020, this year has more significance. But it’s no secret that planning a wedding is hard work. In order to stop yourself from going insane, it’s crucial to know a few tips to save time and money. So to help, we have assembled a list of wedding planning tips and tricks to make your 2020 planning more easy, or at least more tolerable. 20 Wedding Planning Tips For 2020 1. Start wedding planning early. It’s the best way to ensure you will get the best vendors for your style and budget. The earlier you get onto it, the easier, and less stressful it will be as your day approaches. 2. Know your numbers in terms of insurance, rough guest list numbers and the budget.  3. DIY projects for [...]

indoor event

Indoor Or Outdoor Event: What Is Better?

Whether your next event is for a concert, competition, party, or wedding, one of the first steps in planning a successful event is choosing a venue or space that will support your theme, guests and goals. And part of that choice is deciding whether to have an indoor or outdoor event. This seems like an easy decision to make but deciding between in or out could make the difference between your expenses, whether your guests are having a good time, and much more. We have broken down a list of benefits to consider for each type of environment so that you can make the best choice for your needs, and desired outcomes.  Benefits Of Having An Outdoor Event Planning an event outdoors has its list of advantages. Beautiful weather during an outdoor event is reason alone to pick this setting. But here are a few more pros to holding an outdoor event. Open [...]

event insurance

What is Special Event Insurance?

Event insurance is designed to help protect an insured’s investment in certain occasions. This ranges from weddings, birthday parties, trade shows, concerts, and other special events. Specifically, special event insurance is a type of liability coverage that applies to claims made by third parties for bodily injury or property damage that occurs during an event. This type of coverage must be purchased before an event takes place and is relatively inexpensive. Compared to the financial burden you can put on your shoulders without insurance if things don’t go as planned, paying the small cost of coverage is a no-brainer.  What Could Go Wrong? In short, anything and everything could go wrong when it comes to running an event so being protected is important. We live in a world full of unplanned and unforeseen events and the last thing you want to be is unprepared. An accident can occur at almost [...]

wedding guest list

Make Your List, Check It Twice: Tips To Making A Wedding Guest List

With the holidays underway, we know that everyone is preparing their list for Santa. But if you are planning your wedding as well, you are creating a list that may be a little harder to create – your guest list. It’s a hard task for any couple. Deciding on who is in or out. It’s not easy, especially if you want to make everyone feel like they are included.  But how about taking some pointers from Santa this season. Everyone hopes to be on Santa’s ‘naughty and nice list,’ but not everyone will make the cut. We are not saying that you should separate the good from bad, but you should organize your list in order of importance and impact. To give you a few tips on organizing your guest list, read below. Start With Your Immediate Family  Start with your immediate family and branch out to friends, etc. You’ll be able [...]

canceled event

Your Event Is Canceled. Now What?

After months of planning and a build-up of anticipation, the last thing an event go-er or organizer would want to hear is that their event has been forced to cancel. It can be heart-breaking for your event-goers who were really looking forward to attending, only for them to cancel the last minute. It’s not just the disappointment you have to put up with but as an event organizer, you’re also stuck with the risk of not replacing your potential profits. So what is an organizer to do if their event is canceled? Did You Get Insurance? Cancellation insurance will protect you in case of unforeseen situations such as inclement weather, including hurricane, if a venue is deemed unusable, or something else that requires you to cancel. This helps you cover many of the costs and deposits already paid. Contact Your Insurance Company Keep your agent’s and insurance company’s contact information with you before, during and after the event. Keep [...]

marriage debt wedding insurance

The Success Of Any Marriage Begins With Wedding Insurance

If you recently got divorced, we think we know why. You and your partner probably didn’t get wedding insurance for your nuptials. We know it’s an exaggerated claim that holds some humor, but seriously speaking, the debt accumulated after your wedding is enough to put a strain on anyone’s marriage.  The divorce rate in America has recently been around fifty percent. The reasons vary but one of the biggest reasons is due to money problems. According to MagnifyMoney.com, they found that 21% of couples cited money as the #1 cause of their divorce. If you had the chance to resolve the most serious family money issues, we could remove perhaps the single biggest hurdle to a successful marriage. So how does one couple start to securing their marriage? We have a few pointers below: Check Prior Debt Before you say ‘I do,’ did you take some time to say ‘I do,” to [...]

cut down wedding expenses

How To Cut Down Wedding Expenses Effectively

Managing expenses for your wedding is similar to how you would handle any other debt (credit cards, student loans, etc.) Standard practices like paying in full when you can, keeping balances low (under 30%) and not overspending, can be utilized when it comes to your wedding expenses. So staying on top of your wedding debt will save you thousands down the line. To give you tips on cutting down wedding expenses, we have highlighted a few below.  Know Exactly What You Want Couples can waist a lot of time and money by simply being indecisive. We know it’s hard to decide on the perfect cake, dress and or venue especially when there is so much inspiration out there. But being wishy-washy can cause you to waste money. When all else fails, leave the decision in your wedding planner’s hands. And final decisions should be determined before and not after you’ve already [...]

Wedding Planning Timeline From Engagement To Ceremony – FREE Printable PDF

The timeline from saying “yes” to “I do” may seem like miles apart. But in reality, if you stay organized and do proper planning, you can reduce the increased stress that most brides and grooms feel during this period. How so? We here at Eventsured have created a step by step wedding planning timeline for you soon to be newlyweds to follow. It entails details for when you should find vendors, a venue, and everything else you can think of.  Download a FREE printable Wedding Planning PDF here! For more tips on planning your wedding, visit our website. We help to make sure that all your planning is not a financial loss. Protect your investment by getting wedding insurance. And did you know that Eventsured is associated with other event-based companies? Our sister companies include US Weather Insurance, Interactive Promotions Group and US Hole In One. All of which are in the [...]

wedding planner

What You Should Consider Before Hiring A Wedding Planner

Get down the aisle during your wedding takes only a few steps, literally. But planning a wedding takes many, many steps, jumps and sometimes leaps. You have all your inspiration gathered to pull off your Pinterest-perfect wedding, but how exactly do you pull it off. It may be overwhelming to search for venues, caterers, photographers, and DJs. So to alleviate the stress, couples are hiring wedding planners. It may reduce stress, but how about finances? This and many other thoughts should be considered before hiring a planner. Our advice below can not only work for weddings but parties, ceremonies and any event that requires additional help when it comes to planning. Does It Fit Your Budget? We understand why you can be hesitant about hiring a wedding planner. For most couples, the idea of hiring a wedding planner is considered a luxury. To hire a planner means expanding a couples tight [...]

trade show

Make Your Trade Show A Success

Are you preparing for a trade show? Organizing your booth is obviously essential as it will be your “store front” for the event. But what good is having a pretty display if it’s not covered financially? Those thousands that you invested will go to waste if a visitor gets injured at your booth. Or if damages were to occur.  However, there is a solution. With vendor insurance, you are covered from damages that you can’t control. For the majority of trade shows, having vendor insurance is required. So there is no getting around it. But getting just any insurance won’t suffice. With Eventsured, we have tailored policies specifically designed for vendors and the issues you may face at an event. See below for an example scenario and how it could have set you back financially and how Eventsured will be able to offset the costs. Trade Show Scenario Scenario: Yes, it [...]


A Wife With A List Full Of Wedding Regrets

We recently came across an article on MSN that detailed one wife’s wedding day. The wife described how she had the worst wedding experience ever with a list of wedding regrets, mishaps and unfortunate events gone wrong leading up to what was supposed to be a memorable day for her. But instead, her wedding day was memorable for all the wrong reasons. Most couples have happy memories of their wedding day, but all this wife sees are regrets. Below, are a list of their regrets with hopes to learn from their experiences and possibly prevent these scenarios from happening during your own wedding.  Stepdaughter Feud Just two weeks prior to the brides ceremony, her soon-to-be stepdaughter told her she hated her, leaving the bride-to-be distraught. Who wants to feel those kind of emotions before their big day? Husband’s Poor Health A week prior to their wedding, the brides now-husband suffered a heart attack [...]

wedding vows

We Vow To Protect: Our Wedding Insurance Vows For Our Clients

Are you in the middle of or preparing to write your own wedding vows? We understand how hard it may be to summarize what that one special person means to you. Many brides and grooms suffer from writer’s block when it comes to writing their vows. So to help, we have made our own vows as a way to inspire you to write your own. Our vows are for our clients (potentially you) who we vow to protect from unexpected debt on their wedding day. However we recommend you don’t copy and paste ours. Or else you may sound pretty funny on your wedding day.  Our Vows To Our Clients “We, Eventsured, take you, our client, to be provided coverage and protection against possible debt that can accrue on your wedding day. We will be yours in times of joy and in times of sorrow, in times of failure and in [...]

A Couple Whose Wedding Budget Doubled Due To Multiple Disasters

A Couple Whose Wedding Budget Doubled Due To Multiple Disasters

Usually brides, think about the worst case scenario on their big day. Whether the caterer doesn’t deliver as expected or the DJ plays the worst selection of music. But Stephanie Lowther from the UK has experienced some disastrous scenarios even before she walks down the aisle. It’s gotten so bad that the bride wants to cancel her big day altogether. Stephanie recently spoke with Teesside Live and confessed, “It’s been so distressing. I’m thinking ‘what’s the point? Is this a sign?’ I’ve got no interest anymore.” The string of disasters has sent her and her soon-to-be husband, Lewis Barker-Platt, way over budget and leaving her feeling like her wedding is spiraling out of control. We have highlighted all of the events that lead Stephanie up to the point of canceling her wedding below. Do you think you will have the ability to tolerate all of these roadblocks? Problem #1: The [...]

How To Avoid Being A Bridezilla On Your Wedding

Being considered a bridezilla is not a compliment in every sense of the word. What you consider being overly organized, controlling, focused or high maintenance could easily put you under the bridezilla definition if you are not careful. We understand that you want your big day to go your way, but doing it stress-free will make all the difference. So how do you avoid being a bridezilla on your big day? We have a few tips below! Take The Planning Out Of Your Hands Most bridezillas are in full control of their wedding. From picking out the DJ, venue, florist, photographer, etc. Everything falls on the bride. But if it fits your budget, hire a wedding planner to do the work for you. This will make you worry less about how the day is planning out and more about enjoying your wedding. Stick To Your Budget You want more flowers, more food options [...]

How Your Event Will Look With And Without Wedding Insurance

To stop us from saying “we told you so,” we decided to give our prospective clients some possible scenarios that can occur at your wedding and the effects if you are with or without wedding insurance. It’s optimistic to think your wedding day will go as planned, but realistically it doesn’t. Vendors fail, venues close, caterers don’t deliver as promised, the list goes on. It’s vital that we inform our clients on how to make things right before they have the opportunity to go wrong. Scenario #1 Your uncle got overly drunk at your wedding receptions open bar. Unnoticed by you and your guests, he decided to drive home intoxicated and got in an accident on his way. He blames you for having the open bar and files a hefty lawsuit. With Wedding Insurance: Your uncle’s bad judgement won’t cost you because if you purchased event liability insurance. Coverage can start [...]

How To Protect Your Wedding Attire & Jewelry

Brides spend a lot of time trying to find something old & something new, something borrowed and something blue. This old tradition is held a sign of good fortune for the newlyweds future. But if you thought finding the items were hard, keeping them can be harder without having the right protection. To ensure that your old families heirloom or your new diamond necklace is protected for your big day, you need coverage to protect against undesired theft or damages. This is where Eventsured comes to the rescue! Our attire coverage have add-on options that people can include to their wedding insurance policies for as little as $15 to $30 per add-on item. We believe $15 to cover a $2,500 necklace is a great deal! We automatically include $1,000 towards wedding attire & jewelry damage in our base wedding insurance policy. If your items surpass that amount, you can add-on [...]

Worried About Wedding Mishaps? Shift The Risk

Having a wedding forces couples to become proactive not only in planning but protection as well. The percentage of potential risks are high. Using some foresight is key to thinking about what could possibly go wrong and find a solution before it does. Are you worried whether your photographer will deliver pictures for your wedding? Pay a deposit and then the full amount only until you receive the photos. Are you worried about your cake surviving the summer heat? Ensure that your vendor is nice and cool for it to stay safe and obtain its shape. Concerned by lack of communication from vendors? Draw up a list with everyone’s phone numbers so each person can be reached. By shifting the risk for any of these scenarios is an easy way to protect yourself from paying more than you need to. Being fully confident in knowing that you’re fully prepared to [...]